by movenice | 4, Mar 2025 | News
Article about guiding-architects in the winter edition 2024/25 of Bellboy Traveller, supplement to German newspaper Süddeustchen...
by movenice | 8, Apr 2022 | News
On April 8th with a grand ceremony the northern wing of St. Mark’s Square was reopened – or actually, one should say opened for the first time. The Procuratie Vecchie had been built 500 years ago as the official residence of the Procuratori, the Doge’s closest collaborators. From 1832 the Generali insurance company settled in. Thus, the building was never open to the public. This has now changed, because The Human Safety Net, a foundation that helps refugees start new working existence, has moved into the upper floor. Its premises, overlooking the colourful life of St. Mark’s Square, are open to the public. Up here are exhibition rooms, an auditorium, a café and space to work freely and get together. The iconic façade, with its 50 arches on the ground floor and 100 arches on each of the first and second floors, begun by Bartolomeo Bon and completed by Jacopo Sansovino, defines the north side of St. Mark’s Square. Behind this uniformity, the planners were surprised to find a very complex building, consisting of nested structures, small rooms, staircases, atriums and accesses. The original vertical structure had given way to a horizontal one when Generali moved in, necessary to connect the offices. The architects understood the complexity of the building and the associated need to see their work as a process, without too many preconceived ideas or goals. They wanted to stay close to the building and were guided by three principles: “repairing, reunifying and adapting”. In addition to the building plants – the building is emission-free because it is powered exclusively by electricity from renewable energy sources –...
by movenice | 4, Mar 2019 | News
In occasion of the architecture festival Zodchestvo in Mosow, Clemens F. Kusch has presented the Russian edition of the “Architectural Guide – Venice”. Watch his speech on:...
by movenice | 28, Mar 2018 | News
The Annual Guiding architects Meeting takes place every year in one destination of the worldwide network. It’s a very important chance to meet and discuss together all the results previously achieved, establishing goals for the next years. Budapest was chosen by the members to hold the meeting in 2018 It started on February the 22nd and ended up on February 25th. It was held in Fuga Bupadest Center of Architecture. FUGA’s primary message: architecture is an integral part of culture. By showing contemporary artists’ works from various fields we hope to strengthen the connection between architecture and related arts. It is our aim to make the audience for the arts and culture feel at home at the Budapest Center of Architecture. See you next year in...
by movenice | 28, Feb 2017 | News
The Annual Guiding architects Meeting takes place every year in one destination of the worldwide network. It’s a very important chance to meet and discuss together all the results previously achieved, establishing goals for the next years. Venice was chosen by the members to hold the meeting in 2017 and MOVEnice Team took the opportunity to show its colleagues before and after the core meeting the city highlights and a selection of projects in the Veneto Region. It started on February the 1st and ended up on February the 6th. See you next year in Budapest!...